Professor, Dr. Sergey V. Meleshko
Complete List of Publications
- A truncated Painleve expansion associated with
the Tzitzeica equation: Consistency and general
Physics Letters A
(ps-file) (with
W.K.Schief) in press
- Reduction Procedure and Generalized Simple Waves
for Systems Written in the Riemann Variables.
Nonlinear Dynamics (An International
Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in
Engineering Systems)
(ps-file) (with
N.Manganaro) in press
- A particular class of partially invariant
solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations.
European J. of Applied Mathematics
- Rotationally Invariant and Partially Invariant
Flows of a Viscous Incompressible Fluid and a
Viscous Gas.
Nonlinear Dynamics (An International
Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in
Engineering Systems) 2002 v. 28, pp.105-124
(ps-file) (with
- Group classification of two-dimensional steady
viscous gas dynamics equations with arbitrary state
J.Phys. A: Math. Gen., 2002, 35,
- Classification of invariant solutions of the
full Boltzmann equation.
Proceedings "WASCOM 99" 10-th Conference
on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media (7-12th
June, 1999, Italy). Editors Vincenzo Ciancio,
Andrea Donato, Francesco Oliveri, Salvatore Rionero.
World Scientific, Singapore. 2001, pp.219-233.
(ps-file) (with
- Group Classification and Representations of
Invariant Solutions of the full Boltzmann Equation.
Rarefied Gas Dynamics. 22-nd International
Symposium, Sydney, Australia (9-14 July 2000).
Editors Timothy J.Bartel and Michael A.Gallis,
Melville, New York, 2001, pp.109-116.
(ps-file) (with
- On compatibility of overdetermined systems for
double waves.
Nonlinear Dynamics (An International
Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in
Engineering Systems), 2000 v. 22, 1, pp.85-99.
- Application of computer algebra to analysis of
differential equations systems compatibility.
6th IMACS International IMACS Conference
on Applications of Computer Algebra IMACS ACA 2000,
June, 25-28, 2000, St. Petersburg, Russia -
Abstracts, pp.37-38. in Russian (with V.P.Shapeev)
- One class of partially invariant solutions of
the Navier-Stokes equations.
Journal of applied mechanics and technical
physics. 1999, 40, 2, pp.24-33.
(ps-file) (with
- Classification of invariant solutions of the
Boltzmann equation.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and
General. 1999, 32, 28 (16 July 1999),
(PDF-file) (with
Yu.N.Grigoriev, P.Sattayatham)
- An application of the differential constraints
method for the two-dimensional equations of gas
Prikl. matem. and mech., 1999, 63, 6,
pp.909-916. (English transl. in J.Appl.Maths Mechs,
1999, v.63, 6. pp.885-891)
(PDF-file) (with
- Group analysis of the Boltzmann equations of a
relaxative multicomponent gas.
Dokl. Acad. Nauk Russia, 1998, 360
(ps-file) (with
- Bobylev-Krook-Wu Modes for Multicomponent Gas
Physical Review Letters, 1998, v.81
(1), pp.93-95
(PDF-file) (with
- Group classification of two-dimensional stable
viscous gas equations.
International Journal of Non-Linear
Mechanics, 1998, v.34, 3, pp.449-456.
- Symmetry and multiple waves in gas dynamics.
Lecture notes of the joint ISAMM/FRD
inter-disciplinary Workshop on Symmetry analysis and
mathematical modeling. International Institute
for Symmetry Analysis and Mathematical Modeling at
University of North-West (South Africa). 1998.
- Application of group analysis in gas kinetics.
Lecture notes of the joint ISAMM/FRD
inter-disciplinary Workshop on Symmetry analysis and
mathematical modeling. International Institute
for Symmetry Analysis and Mathematical Modeling at
University of North-West (South Africa). 1998.
- Steady spatial non-isentropic double-wave type
gas flows.
Prikl. Matemat. i Mekhanika. 1997, 61,
1. pp.159-167. (English transl. in J.Appl.Maths
Mechs, 1997, v.61 (1).)
- Group classification of three-wave equations in
nonlinear optics.
International Conference on Modern Group
Analysis (MOGRAN YII), Developments in Theory,
Computation and Application, Nordfjord,
(Norway), MARS Publishers, 1997. pp.219-226.
(ps-file) (with
- Application of Group Analysis to the Boltzmann
Proceedings of International conference on
Computational Mathematics (ICCM'97), Bangkok.
pp.189-194. (with Yu.N.Grigoryev, N.P.Moshkin,
P.Sattayatham, E.Schulz, S.Tangmanee)
- Generalization of equivalence transformations.
Journal of Nonlinear mathematical physics,
1996, 3 (1-2). pp.170-174.
- Group classification gas dynamics equations with
constant body forces.
Journal of applied mechanics and technical
physics. 1996, 1.
- Unsteady space nonisentropic flows of a double
wave type.
Journal of applied mechanics and technical
physics. 1996, 2.
- Lie group and invariant solutions of the system
of kinetic Boltzmann equations.
Proceedings of International conference
"Modern problems in mathematics and mechanics" in
honor P.L.Chebyshev's 175 anniversary. Moscow,
Department of mechanics and mathematics of Moscow
state university, 1996, vol.1. pp.125-128.
(ps-file) (with
- Group analysis of the Boltzmann equations of a
spatially uniform multicomponent gas.
International Conference on the Methods of
Aerophysical Research (ICMAR), Proceedings, part
1, 1996. pp.139-144. (with Yu.N.Grigoriev)
- Lie groups and invariant solutions of the system
of Boltzmann equations.
International conference "Mathematical
models and numerical methods of continuum
mechanics", 1996, Novosibirsk. pp.43-44. (with
- An application of the method of differential
constraints to two-dimensional gas dynamics
International Conference on the Methods of
Aerophysical Research, ICMAR, Proceedings, Part
3, 1996, pp.221-226. (with V.P.Shapeev)
- An application of the method of differential
constraints to two-dimensional gas dynamics
International conference "Mathematical
models and numerical methods of continuum
mechanics", 1996, Novosibirsk. pp.78-79. (with
- On double waves of equations with three
independent variables.
Dokl. AS Russian, 1995, 345, 6.
- Group analysis of kinetic equations.
Russian Journal Numerical Analysis and
Mathematical Modeling, 1995, v.9 (5). (with
- Group analysis of kinetic models.
International conference "Advanced
Mathematics, Computations and Applications",
1995. pp.172-178. (with Yu.N.Grigoriev)
- Calculation of symmetry groups for integro-differential
CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of
Differential Equations vol. 3, New Trends, 1995.
pp.139-145. (with N.H.Ibragimov)
- Differential constraints.
CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of
Differential Equations vol. 3, New Trends, 1995.
pp.283-289. (with N.H.Ibragimov)
- Homogeneous autonomous systems with three
independent variables.
Prikl. matem. and mech., 1994, 58, 5.
pp.97-102. (English transl. in J.Appl.Maths Mechs,
1994, v.58, No.5, pp.857-863.).
- Group classification of the two-dimensional gas
dynamics equations.
Prikl. matem. and mech., 1994, 58, 4.
pp.56-62. (English transl. in J.Appl.Maths Mechs,
1994, v.58, No.4, pp.629-635.)
- One class of partial invariant solutions of
plane gas flows.
Differential equations, 1994, 30, 10.
- Reduction of double waves of homogeneous
autonomous systems.
Seminar on analytic methods of gas
dynamics and optimization SAMGOP-94.
Ekaterinburg. Abstracts. 1994. pp.80.
- Reduction of double waves of homogeneous
autonomous systems.
Siberian conference on applied and
industrial mathematics. Abstracts, Engineering
mathematics section, subsection "Mathematics in new
engineering technology". Novosibirsk, 1994.
- Methods for constructing exact solutions of
continuum mechanics equations.
Textbook, Novosibirsk state university, 1993.
- Application of REDUCE system for analysis of
compatibility of partial differential equations.
Modelirovanie v mechanike, Novosibirsk,
1993, 7(24), 4. pp.26-35. (with V.G.Ganzha,
Shapeev V.P.)
- Influence of rarefaction on mass transfer in a
plasma-chemical reactor.
Computational technologies, 1993, v.2,
7. pp.47-54. (with Yu.N.Grigoriev)
- Influence of mass transfer on homogeneity in a
planar reactor.
Surface, 1992, 12. pp.60-68. (with
M.R.Baklanov, Grigoryev Yu.N., V.G.Pluhin)
- Automation of compatibility analysis of
quasilinear PDE systems with the aid of the REDUCE
Computer Algebra and Its Applications to
Mechanics, 1992, pp.89-95. (with V.G.Ganzha,
- Classification of solutions with degenerate
hodograph of the gas dynamics and plasticity
Doctoral thesis, Sverdlovsk, 1991.
- On solutions with degenerate hodograph of the
quasisteady equations of the theory of plasticity
with the Mises flow condition.
Journ.prikl.mech.i techn.phyz, 1991,
1. pp.82-88.
- On double-wave-type plane gas flows.
Russian Journal of Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics, v.1, No.1, 1991, pp.47-54.
- Group theoretical analysis of some kinetic
Modelirovanie v mechanike,
Novosibirsk, 1991, 5(22), 3. pp.27-39. (with
- Influence of rarefaction on mass transfer in a
plasma-chemical reactor.
Dynamics of rarefied gas. IX National
conference. Abstracts, 1991 (with Yu.N.Grigoriev)
- Application of REDUCE system for analysis of
compatibility of partial differential equations.
Preprint Ins-t of Heat Physics AS
Ukrainian SSR, No.-90-84P, Kiev, 1991. (with
V.G.Ganzha, S.S.Moskaluk, V.P.Shapeev, V.P.Shelest)
- On potential polytropic gas flows of triple
Prikl. matem. and mech., 1990, 54, 5.
pp.775-779. (English transl. in J.Appl.Maths Mechs,
1990, v.54, No.5.)
- Double waves in ideal rigid-plastic body with a
plane deformation.
Journ.prikl.mech.i techn.phyz, 1990,
2. pp.131-136.
- Group theoretical analysis of the kinetic
Boltzmann equation and its models.
Arch. Mech., 1990, v.42, No.6,
pp.693-701. (with Yu.N.Grigoriev)
- Application of REDUCE system for analysis of
consistency of systems of P.D.E.'s.
Proceedings of the international symposium
on symbolic and algebraic computation (ISSAC'90).
Tokyo. 1990, p.301. (with V.G.Ganzha,
- On nonisoentropic steady space and plane
unsteady double waves.
Prikl. matem. and mech., 1989, 53, 2.
pp.255-260. (English transl. in J.Appl.Maths Mechs,
1989, v.53, No.2.)
- About multiple waves of gas dynamics equations
and theory of plasticity.
International conference on algebra,
devoted to A.I.Malcev anniversary. Abstracts.
Novosibirsk, 1989. p.30.
- Group theoretical analysis of the kinetic
Boltzmann equation and its model.
XIX Biennial symposium on advanced
problems and methods in fluid mechanics.
Kozubnic (Poland). 1989. p.235. (with Yu.N.Grigoriev)
- Intermediate calculations in analytical
investigation of differential equations (on
Modelirovanie v mechanike.
Novosibirsk, 1989, 3(20), 4. pp.49-58. (with
V.G.Ganzha, V.P.Shapeev)
- Application of computer algebra to the analysis
of compatibility of partial differential equations.
International conference on algebra,
devoted to the A.I.Malcev anniversary.
Abstracts. Novosibirsk, 1989. p.18. (with V.G.Ganzha,
- A study of compatibility a system of
differential equations on a computer.
Abstracts of the conference "Mathematical
methods in mechanics". Novosibirsk, 1989. p.15.
(with V.G.Ganzha, V.P.Shapeev)
- On plane flows of a double wave type.
Modelirovanie v mechanike,
Novosibirsk, 1988, 2(19), 2. pp.111-118.
- On group properties of viscoelastic media motion
Modelirovanie v mechanike,
Novosibirsk, 1988, 2(19), 4. pp.116-126.
- Double waves of gas dynamics equations with
three independent variables.
Modern problems of fluid dynamics and gas.
Abstracts, 1988. p.130.
- Method of differential constraints.
Nikolay Nikolaevich Yanenko. Essaies,
articles and reminiscence. Novosibirsk, Nauka,
1988. pp.107-115. (with V.P.Shapeev)
- Approximate kinetic model of overheated
relaxation in a gas.
Abstracts of presentations of IX national
conference on dynamics of rarefied gas. 1987,
vol.1, Sverdlovsk. p.26. (with Yu.N.Grigoriev,
- A study of an approximate kinetic model of gas
relaxation for overheated energies of molecules.
Modelirovanie v mechanike,
Novosibirsk, 2(19), 5. pp.45-52. (with
Yu.N.Grigoriev, A.N.Mikhalicyn)
- Group analysis of the integro-differential
Boltzmann equation.
Dokl. Acad. Nauk S.S.S.R., 1987, 297,
2. pp.323-327. (with Yu.N.Grigoriev)
- Comparisons of solutions of one model problem of
simplified and complete equations of a viscous heat
conduction gas.
Chisl.metody mech.splosh.sredy,
Novosibirsk, 1986, 17, 3. pp.115-123.
- An analytical and numerical study of
compressible flows based on the parabolized Navier-Stokes
The IY international conference on
boundary and interior layers (BAIL-IY).
Abstracts. 1986, p.93. (with S.G.Cherny)
- An investigation of invariant solutions of the
Boltzmann kinetic equation and its models.
Preprint of Institute of Theoretical and
Applied Mechanics, 1986, 18-86. 51 pp. (with
- An application of differential constraints
method for description of wave propagation in
elastic-viscoplastic medium.
Sixth national meeting on theoretical and
applied mechanics. Abstracts and presentations,
1986. p.450. (with V.P.Shapeev)
- A classification of a plane isentropic gas flow
of a double wave type.
Prikl. matem. and mech., 1985, 49, 3.
pp.406-410. (English transl. in J.Appl.Maths Mechs,
1985, v.49, No.3.)
- Invariant solutions of the parabolized Navier-Stokes
compressible gas equations.
Theoretical and applied problems of the
computational mathematics and mathematical physics.
Riga. 1985, pp.173-174.
- An investigation of viscous compressible flows
based on the parabolized Navier-Stokes equations.
Preprint of Institute of Theoretical and
Applied Mechanics, 1985, 32-85. 47 pp. (with
- A stress wave propagation of a simple wave type
in an elastic-viscoplastic media.
Chisl. meth. resh. zadach of the theory of
elastic and plastic. Novosibirsk. 1984,
- Method of differential constraints.
Physical mechanics of inhomogeneous media.
Novosibirsk. 1984, pp.3-13. (with V.P.Shapeev,
- Differential constraints and one-parameter Lie-Backlund
transformation groups.
Dokl. AS USSR, 1983, 271, 1. pp.42-46;
(English transl., Soviet Math. Dokl., 28, 37-41).
- About jointing of DP-solutions over strong
Chisl.metody and the problem of
optimization, Tomsk, 1983, pp.15-23. (with
- Using a computer for analysis of compatibility
of systems of partial differential equations.
Analytical computations on a computer and
their applications in theoretical physics. Dubna,
JINR. 1983, pp.125-131. (with V.G.Ganzha, F.A.Murzin,
V.P.Shapeev, N.N.Yanenko)
- Symbolic manipulations and their applications
for constructing new exact solutions and different
Proceedings of Symp. on numerical
solutions of nonlinear problems. Paris, 1983,
pp.314-329. (with V.G.Ganzha, S.I.Mazuric,
V.P.Shapeev, N.N.Yanenko)
- Symbolic manipulations in methods for solving
problems in mathematical physics.
Symp. Mathematics for computer science.
Paris. 1982. pp.431-438. (with A.N.Valiullin,
V.G.Ganzha, F.A.Murzin, V.P.Shapeev, N.N.Yanenko)
- One problem about decay arbitrary discontinuity.
Chisl.metody mech. splosh.sredy,
Novosibirsk, 1982, 13, 6. pp.77-85. (with
V.P.Shapeev, N.N.Yanenko)
- Analysis compatibility of systems of partial
differential equations.
Preprint of Institute of Theoretical and
Applied mechanics, 1982, N 20-82. pp.24-25.
(with V.G.Ganzha, F.A.Murzin, V.P.Shapeev,
- Symbolic manipulations in methods for solving
problems in mathematical physics.
Complex of programs in mathematical
physics. Institute of Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics, 1982. pp.123-129. (with A.N.Valiullin,
V.G.Ganzha, F.A.Murzin, V.P.Shapeev, N.N.Yanenko)
- The problem of breakdown of an arbitrary
The IUTAM Symp. nonlinear deformation
waves. Abstracts. Tallin. 1982. p.33. (with
V.P.Shapeev, N.N.Yanenko)
- A solution of a wave problem for dynamics of
inelastic continuous medium by method of
differential constraints.
Ph.D. thesis, 1981, Institute of
Hydrodynamics. Novosibirsk.
- One class of solutions of systems of quasilinear
differential equations with many independent
Chisl.metody mech.splosh.sredy,
Novosibirsk, 1981, 12, 4. pp.87-100.
- Realization on computer an algorithm for
studying consistency of systems of partial
differential equations.
Dokl. AS USSR, 1981, 261, 5.
pp.1044-1046. (with V.G.Ganzha, F.A.Murzin,
V.P.Shapeev, N.N.Yanenko)
- DP-conditions and a joining problem of different
Chisl.metody mech.splosh. sredy,
Novosibirsk, 1980, 11, 6. pp.96-109.
- Method of differential constraints and a problem
of decay an arbitrary discontinuity.
Preprint of Institute of Theoretical and
applied mechanics, 1980, No. 47, pp.24-25.
- Method of differential constraints and a problem
of decay an arbitrary discontinuity.
Dokl. AS USSR, 1980, 254, 4,
pp.796-798 (Soviet Math. Dokl., 1980, 22, 2,
pp.447-449.) (with V.P.Shapeev, N.N.Yanenko)
- The Goursat problem for nonhomogeneous systems
of differential equations.
Chisl.metody mech.splosh.sredy,
Novosibirsk, 1980, 11, 7. pp.109-117. (with
- An application of DP-solutions to the problem of
decay an arbitrary discontinuity in inelastic
continuous media.
Chisl.metody mech.splosh.sredy,
Novosibirsk, 1979, 10, 6. pp.85-96. (with
- One method of defining a state equation.
Chisl.metody mech.splosh.sredy,
Novosibirsk, 1977, 8, 1. pp.83-87. (with V.P.Shapeev)
Page Last Updated 22
June, 2002 |