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The following article appeared in J. Appl.
Phys. 97, 054906 (2005) and may be found at (URL/link
for published article abstract).
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Copyright (2005) American Institute of Physics.
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Seung-Ik Jun and
Philip D. Rack
Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
Tennessee 37996-2200
Timothy E. McKnight,
Anatoli V. Melechko, and
Michael L. Simpson
Molecular Scale Engineering and Nanoscale
Technologies Research Group, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831
(Received 8 October 2004; accepted 13 December
2004; published online 15 February 2005)
A combinatorial rf magnetron sputter
deposition technique was employed to investigate
the electrical characteristics and
microstructural properties of molybdenum tungsten (MoW)
high temperature electrodes as a function of
the binary composition. In addition to
the composition, the effect of substrate bias
and temperature was investigated. The
electrical resistivity of MoW samples
deposited at room temperature with zero bias
followed the typical Nordheim's rule as a
function of composition. The resistivity increases
with tungsten fraction and is a maximum around
0.5 atomic fraction of tungsten. A
phase was identified and the relative
amount of the
phase scales with the resistivity.
Samples deposited at higher temperature (250 °C)
also followed Nordheim's rule as a
function of composition, however, it did not
contain the metastable
phase and consequently had a lower
resistivity. The resistivity of samples deposited
with substrate bias is uniformly lower
and obeyed the rule of mixtures as a
function of composition. The molybdenum-rich
compositions had a lower resistivity,
contrary to expectations based on bulk resistivity
values, and is attributed to high
electron-dislocation scattering cross sections in
tungsten versus molybdenum. The
phase was not observed in the biased
films even when deposited at room temperature. High
resolution scanning electron microscopy
revealed a more dense structure for the
biased films, which is correlated to the
significantly lower film resistivity.
©2005 American Institute of Physics
PACS: 68.55.Ac, 81.05.Bx, 73.61.At, 85.30.Tv,
68.55.Jk, 68.35.Bs, 81.15.Cd, 72.10.Fk, 68.55.Ln,
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