Tracking gene expression after DNA delivery using spatially indexed nanofiber arrays |
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McKnight, T.E., A.V.
Melechko, D.K. Hensley, D.G.J. Mann, G.D. Griffin, and M.L.
Simpson, .
URL: Molecular Scale Engineering and Nanoscale
Technologies Research Group, Condensed Matter Sciences Division,
Engineering Science and Technology Division, and Life Sciences Division,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, and
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Center for
Environmental Biotechnology, and Department of Materials Science and
Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996
Received April 1, 2004
Abstract: The penetration and residence of vertically aligned
carbon nanofibers (VACNF) within live cell matrices is demonstrated upon
substrates that incorporate spatially registered indices to facilitate
temporal tracking of individual cells. Penetration of DNA-modified
carbon nanofibers into live cells using this platform provides efficient
delivery and expression of exogenous genes, similar to
"microinjection"-styled methods, but on a massively parallel basis.
Spatially registered indices on the substrate allow one to conveniently
locate individual cells, facilitating temporal tracking of gene
expression events. We describe fabrication and use of this gene delivery
platform which consists of arrays of individual carbon nanofibers at 5- |