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Maki, M; Nishizaki, T; Shibata, K; Kobayashi, N. 2005. Layered
charge-density waves with nanoscale coherence in YBa2Cu3O7-delta.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72 (2): art. no.-024536.
Cvetko, D; Ratto, F; Cossaro, A; Bavdek, G; Morgante, A; Floreano, L.
2005. Displacive phase transition at the 5/3 monolayer of Pb on Ge(001).
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72 (4): art. no.-045404.
Cano, A; Levanyuk, AR; Michel, EG. 2005. Structural phase transitions in
two-dimensional systems: Pb/Ge(111) and Sn/Ge(111). ZEITSCHRIFT FUR
KRISTALLOGRAPHIE 220 (8): 663-671.
Kolodziej, JJ; Such, B; Szymonski, M. 2005. Imaging of c(8x2)/(4x6)
GaAs(001) surface with noncontact atomic force microscopy. PHYSICAL
REVIEW B 71 (16): art. no.-165419.
Menzel, A; Zhang, Z; Minca, M; Loerting, T; Deisl, C; Bertel, E. 2005.
Correlation in low-dimensional electronic states on metal surfaces. NEW
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 7: art. no.-102.
Cano, A; Levanyuk, AP; Michel, EG. 2005. (root 3 x root 3)R30 degrees
<->(3 x 3) phase transition in Pb/Ge(111) and Sn/Ge(111): a
phenomenological study on the phase transition anomalies and the role of
defects. NANOTECHNOLOGY 16 (2): 325-333.
Brihuega, I; Custance, O; Perez, R; Gomez-Rodriguez, JM. 2005. Intrinsic
character of the (3x3) to (root 3x root 3) phase transition in Pb/Si(111).
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 94 (4): art. no.-046101.
Escuadro, AA; Goodner, DM; Okasinski, JS; Bedzyk, MJ. 2004. X-ray
standing wave analysis of the Sn/Si(111)-root 3x root 3 surface.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 70 (23): art. no.-235416.
Lee, G; Yu, SY; Kim, H; Koo, JY. 2004. Defect-induced perturbation on
Si(111)4x1-In: Period-doubling modulation and its origin. PHYSICAL
REVIEW B 70 (12): art. no.-121304.
Davila, ME; Avila, J; Ascolani, H; Le Lay, G; Gothelid, M; Karlsson, UO;
Asensio, MC. 2004. Surface phase transitions at metal-semiconductor
interfaces: a revisit is needed. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 234 (1-4):
Losovyj, YB; Yakovkin, IN; Jeong, HK; Wisbey, D; Dowben, PA. 2004.
Lattice-stiffening transition in gadolinium chains on furrowed
(112)surfaces. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 16 (26): 4711-4724.
Ressel, B; Di Teodoro, C; Profeta, G; Ottaviano, L; Chab, V; Prince, KC.
2004. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy investigation of the (root 3 x
root 3)R30 degrees Sn/Si(111) alpha and gamma surfaces. SURFACE SCIENCE
562 (1-3): 128-136.
Losovyj, Y; Yakovkin, IN; Dowben, PA. 2004. The development of the
gadolinium surface state. VACUUM 74 (2): 191-194.
Okasinski, JS; Kim, C; Walko, DA; Bedzyk, MJ. 2004. Ray standing wave
imaging of the 1/3 monolayer Sn/Ge-(111) surface. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69
(4): art. no.-041401.
Lobo, J; Tejeda, A; Mugarza, A; Michel, EG. 2003. Electronic structure
of Sn/Si(111)-(root 3x root 3)R30 degrees as a function of Sn coverage.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 68 (23): art. no.-235332.
Men'shov, VN; Tugushev, VV. 2003. Charge ordering induced by intrinsic
defects in Sn/Ge(111) submonolayers with a coverage close to 1/3.
PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE 45 (8): 1600-1605.
Lobo, J; Tejeda, A; Mugarza, A; Michel, EG. 2003. Electronic structure
of SixSn((1-x))/Si(111)-(root 3 X root 3)R30 degrees phases. JOURNAL OF
VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A 21 (4): 1298-1301.
Zhang, HM; Jemander, ST; Lin, N; Hansson, GV; Uhrberg, RIG. 2003. Origin
of 3 x 3 diffraction on the Sn1-xSix/Si(111)root 3 x root 3 surface.
SURFACE SCIENCE 531 (1): 21-28.
Reedijk, MF; Arsic, J; Kaminski, D; Poodt, P; van Kessel, JWM; Szweryn,
WJ; Knops, H; Vlieg, E. 2003. New (root 3 x root 3)R30 degrees phase of
Pb on Ge(111) and its consequence for the melting transition. PHYSICAL
REVIEW LETTERS 90 (5): art. no.-056104.
Petersen, L; Ismail; Plummer, EW. 2002. Defect-blurred two-dimensional
phase transition. PROGRESS IN SURFACE SCIENCE 71 (1-4): 1-29.
Ottaviano, L; Profeta, G; Santucci, S; Petaccia, L; Pedio, M. 2002.
Testing the charged adatom model onto the Sn1-x/Si(111) (root 3 x root
3)R30 degrees alloy with high resolution core level spectroscopy.
Profeta, G; Ottaviano, L; Santucci, S; Continenza, A. 2002.
Two-dimensional alloying on Si(111) surface: An ab initio study.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 66 (8): art. no.-081303.
Ortega, J; Perez, R; Jurczyszyn, L; Flores, F. 2002. Ge substitutional
defects and the root 3 x root 3 <-> 3 x 3 transition in alpha-Sn/Ge(111).
Ortega, J; Perez, R; Flores, F. 2002. Dynamical fluctuations and the
root 3x root 3 <-> 3x3 transition in alpha-Sn/Ge(111) and Sn/Si(111).
Mascaraque, A; Michel, EG. 2002. Reversible structural phase transitions
in semiconductor and metal/semiconductor surfaces. JOURNAL OF
PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 14 (24): 6005-6035.
Deisl, C; Swamy, K; Beer, R; Menzel, A; Bertel, E. 2002. Structure
tuning by Fermi-surface shifts in low-dimensional systems. JOURNAL OF
PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 14 (16): 4199-4209.
Ottaviano, L; Profeta, G; Petaccia, L; Santucci, S; Pedio, M. 2002.
Mechanism of the short range ordering in a 2D binary alloy. SURFACE
SCIENCE 501 (1-2): L171-L176.
Plummer, EW; Ismail; Matzdorf, R; Melechko, AV; Pierce, JP; Zhang, JD.
2002. Surfaces: a playground for physics with broken symmetry in reduced
dimensionality. SURFACE SCIENCE 500 (1-3): 1-27.
Chiang, TC; Chou, MY; Kidd, T; Miller, T. 2002. Fermi surfaces and
energy gaps in Sn/Ge(111). JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 14 (1):
Petersen, L; Ismail; Plummer, EW. 2002. Defect-induced localized lattice
distortions in Sn/Ge(111). PHYSICAL REVIEW B 65 (2): art. no.-020101.
Melechko, AV; Simkin, MV; Samatova, NF; Braun, J; Plummer, EW. 2001.
Complex structural phase transition in a defect-populated
two-dimensional system. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 64 (23): art. no.-235424.
Petaccia, L; Floreano, L; Goldoni, A; Cvetko, D; Morgante, A; Grill, L;
Verdini, A; Comelli, G; Paolucci, G; Modesti, S. 2001. Order-disorder
character of the (3X3) to (root 3X root 3)R30 degrees phase transition
of Sn on Ge(111). PHYSICAL REVIEW B 64 (19): art. no.-193410.
Xie, F; von Blanckenhagen, P; Wu, J; Liu, JW; Zhang, QZ; Chen, YC; Wang,
EG. 2001. Contamination of Si surfaces in ultrahigh vacuum and formation
of SiC islands. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 181 (1-2): 139-144.
Floreano, L; Cvetko, D; Bavdek, G; Benes, M; Morgante, A. 2001.
Order-disorder transition of the (3X3) Sn/Ge(111) phase. PHYSICAL REVIEW
B 64 (7): art. no.-075405.
Plummer, EW; Ismail; Matzdorf, R; Melechko, AV; Zhang, JD. 2001. The
next 25 years of surface physics. PROGRESS IN SURFACE SCIENCE 67 (1-8):
Ottaviano, L; Melechko, AV; Santucci, S; Plummer, EW. 2001. A variable
temperature scanning tunnelling microscopy study of the electronic
response of the Sn/Si(111) alpha surface to extrinsic defects. PHYSICS
Charrier, A; Perez, R; Thibaudau, F; Debever, JM; Ortega, J; Flores, F;
Themlin, JM. 2001. Many-body effects in the electronic structure of Sn/Si(111)-alpha-root
Le Lay, G; Rad, MG; Gothelid, M; Karlsson, UO; Avila, J; Asensio, MC.
2001. Nature of the root 3 alpha to 3 x 3 reversible phase transition at
low temperature in Sn/Ge (111). APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 175: 201-206.
Rad, MG; Gothelid, M; Le Lay, G; Karlsson, UO; Grehk, TM; Sandell, A.
2001. Influence of charged impurities on the surface phases of Sn/Ge(111).
SURFACE SCIENCE 477 (2-3): 227-234.
Petaccia, L; Floreano, L; Benes, M; Cvetko, D; Goldoni, A; Grill, L;
Morgante, A; Verdini, A; Modesti, S. 2001. Determination of the (3 x
3)-Sn/Ge(111) structure by photoelectron diffraction. PHYSICAL REVIEW B
63 (11): art. no.-115406.
Jemander, ST; Lin, N; Zhang, HM; Uhrberg, RIG; Hansson, GV. 2001. An STM
study of the surface defects of the (root 3 x root 3)-Sn/Si(111)
surface. SURFACE SCIENCE 475 (1-3): 181-193.
Ottaviano, L; Melechko, AV; Santucci, S; Plummer, EW. 2001. Direct
visualization of defect density waves in 2D. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 86
(9): 1809-1812.
Swamy, K; Menzel, A; Beer, R; Bertel, E. 2001. Charge-density waves in
self-assembled halogen-bridged metal chains. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 86
(7): 1299-1302.
Yamanaka, T; Ino, S. 2000. Electron standing waves at a surface during
reflection high energy electron diffraction and application to structure
Dowben, PA. 2000. The metallicity of thin films and overlayers. SURFACE
SCIENCE REPORTS 40 (6-8): 151-245.
Ottaviano, L; Profeta, G; Continenza, A; Santucci, S; Freeman, AJ;
Modesti, S. 2000. Defect-induced perturbation on the 1/3 ML Sn-Si(111)
surface: a voltage-dependent scanning tunneling microscopy study.
SURFACE SCIENCE 464 (2-3): 57-67.
Kidd, TE; Miller, T; Chou, MY; Chiang, TC. 2000. Sn/Ge(111) surface
charge-density-wave phase transition. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 85 (17):
Uhrberg, RIG; Zhang, HM; Balasubramanian, T; Jemander, ST; Lin, N;
Hansson, GV. 2000. Electronic structure of Sn/Si(111) root 3X root 3:
Indications of a low-temperature phase. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 62 (12):
Uhrberg, RIG; Zhang, HM; Balasubramanian, T. 2000. Determination of the
Sn 4d line shape of the Sn/Ge(111) root 3 x root 3 and 3 x 3 surfaces.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 85 (5): 1036-1039.
Profeta, G; Continenza, A; Ottaviano, L; Mannstadt, W; Freeman, AJ.
2000. Structural and electronic properties of the Sn/Si(111)root 3x root
3R30 degrees surface. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 62 (3): 1556-1559.
Learn more by visiting pages of the researchers working in this area:
Luca Ottaviano
José Ortega Mateo